Kitty Amour Cattery
About Us
Available Kittens
Available Adults
Application/More Info
Kitten Contract
Adoption Guide
Adorable Gallery
Happy Families
Those Exotic Longhairs!
Frequently Asked Questions
Contact us
Name *
Email address *
Physical street address: *
How did you hear about us? *
Have you ever owned an Exotic or a Persian cat? *
I understand the unique grooming needs of Exotics, and agree to regularly care for grooming needs.
I have read and understand the contract.
Does anyone in your home (or who visits regularly) have allergies to cats? *
If you rent your home, does your landlord permit cats? *
Please indicate your preference in color, gender, or other specific traits you are looking for. *
What is your budget? *
Do you agree to NEVER declaw this kitten or cat in accordance with my Health Guarantee? *
Have you ever given a pet away or relinquished a pet to a pound, shelter, or rescue? (If yes, please explain) *
Do you agree this kitten or cat is to be kept ONLY INDOORS AND NEVER ALLOWED LOOSE OUTSIDE? *
Do you agree, per contract, to spay or neuter your cat prior to 8 months of age (unless purchasing full rights)? *
Have you read (and do you agree to) my Deposit, Refund, and Forfeiture Policies set forth in the above contract? *
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Deatsville, AL